Taking God at His Word

 Weekly Devotionals

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind...

Romans 12:2

Posted: 10/16/2024
At a prayer service for the husband of a dear friend, a large crowd sat in silence as his wife rolled his wheelchair into the chapel. We had known this man through the years as vibrant, strong, and energetic. But the man we greeted was weak, pale, bald—and very much living in the moment.
Posted: 10/9/2024
Here I am, lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, sleepless. Body still but mind racing. Why does life seem darker at night? And I don’t just mean physically. It’s as though Satan and his minions wait for me to be alone so they can attack my mind.
Posted: 10/2/2024
I’ve never been good at following directions, especially while driving my car. My internal compass left me confused, if not lost. When I became a Christian I suffered a similar fate—I found that the internal “life compass” I used before could no longer be trusted.
Posted: 9/25/2024
Being real and transparent doesn’t come easily to most of us. It’s easier to hide behind perfectionism, performance, and persona. There’s no cost involved, no shame to endure. But there is also no fruit produced.
Posted: 9/18/2024
No one wants to suffer and yet we all will at some point. And we can expect depression and discouragement to set in if we think we have no hope. But trials are not meant to focus on you, but on the sufficiency of Christ in you. Whatever circumstance or trial you find yourself in, the purpose is so that “the life of Jesus may also be revealed” in your life.

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