Taking God at His Word

You will find Me if you seek Me with all your heart...

Jeremiah 29:13

Nancy's Weekly Devotional

Posted: 10/9/2024
Here I am, lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, sleepless. Body still but mind racing. Why does life seem darker at night? And I don’t just mean physically. It’s as though Satan and his minions wait for me to be alone so they can attack my mind.


In this short video promo for her latest series based on Philippians, To Live is Christ, Nancy speaks about the secret of contentment.



Latest Bible Study: To Live Is Christ

The Apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians has been the foundation for a life of contentment and joy to all who have embraced its message over the generations. Paul’s secret of contentment is found in his well-known words “to live Is Christ.” In this way he reveals how to rise above the circumstances of life, experience joy amidst adversity and live with Christ at the center of your lives.


Experience To Live Is Christ today in Bible study or DVD format. Bible study can be utilized for personal or group use.


Nancy's books and DVDs are now available on Amazon! Click below for more information and to purchase.


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